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Engin EKŞİ | Construction Services and Architectural Projects

Engin Ekşi Building About Us

As Engin Ekşi İnşaat, we entered the construction sector, which has become our grandfather's profession and inherited as the Ekşioğlu family, in 2004 with our Rize-based company. Thanks to our great experience in the sector and our expert employees, we have become a well-known global company in a short time.

In 2005, we realized our first major breakthrough, the Kuşadası Kaynak Kent Mass Housing project (600 flats). Between 2007 and 2010, we undersigned valuable projects such as Atilla Villas (74 Villas), Ekşioğlu Döşemeci Sitesi and Ekşioğlu Yunus Complex (110 Apartments) in Soğucak Location in Kuşadası.

We continued our investments in the construction sector in Bartın after Kuşadası. Between 2011 and 2016, Ekşioğlu Sitesi (74 apartments) in the center of Bartın, Ekşioğlu Apartment (28 apartments), Bartın Karaköy Ekşioğlu Port (114 apartments), Bartın Ekşioğlu Sitesi (96 apartments) and Adalı Apartment (30 apartments) We brought a very nice project to the region.

In 2017, we completed the Toki project of 1400 residences in the Nusaybin district of Mardin, one of the important cultural heritages of the east. After this striking project, we decided to make new investments in the Aegean region, the apple of Turkey's eye.

Since 2017, Muğla Dalaman Aydın Alay Site (54 Flats), Fethiye Paradise Mansions (12 Villas), Dalaman Ekşioğlu Apartment (20 Flats) are among the values ​​we have added to the city. Since 2022, as Engin Ekşi İnşaat, we have been continuing our constructions in order to offer our customers the best and the highest quality with appropriate opportunities with our Dunyam Residence project, the first phase of which we started to deliver in the center of Muğla.

As Engin Ekşi İnşaat, our priority is to bring to life projects that respect nature, are sensitive to the environment and prioritize customer satisfaction. In order to realize this mission, both technological and human-based investments are our priority. Happy families that we have hosted since 2004 are both our greatest pride and our most valuable reward.




Trust Architect

Reliably taking over the workload brought by the mobilization organization to the management processes of the main project, helping the employer to focus on her main business in a healthier way.(dişil)

Eco-Friendly Building

With the awareness of how valuable our customers' values ​​are, we aim to fulfill our promises in all areas of our working life on time.

Experienced Staff

Organized mobilization management with experienced engineer staff and expert assembly teams.

Engin Ekşi Construction Quality and Reliable Living Spaces

Engin Ekşi Construction Quality and Reliable Living Spaces

Engin Ekşi Construction in the Press
Dünyam Residance
  • Engin EKŞİ

Dünyam Residance

Dünyam Residance

  • Engin EKŞİ


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  • Engin EKŞİ


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam non libero id purus posuere aliquet. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla elementum lacus dui, eu semper est venenatis sit amet. Donec tortor metus, malesuada vitae imperdiet vitae, finibus at libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur semper enim tincidunt, cursus mauris sit amet, hendrerit metus. Suspendisse imperdiet, mi vel malesuada placerat, eros quam condimentum purus, a scelerisque ligula augue in leo. Maecenas vulputate ex vel nibh dictum, quis mollis justo dapibus. Cras id sollicitudin quam. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

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